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Alexander Deev

Young woman, a top manger is fired as a result of sex scandal. But in a world build on lies and semi-truth, things are not what they seem. Now a journalist provided with multiple video tapes depicting private life of other people, tries to find the keys to solve the case. Charmed by the Lady, he goes too far. Содержит нецензурную брань.

Alexander Deev


All rights reserved.

Novel by Alexander Deev.

Cover and design by Sasha Lend.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places and events are product of author's imagination or otherwise used fictitiously. None of the opinions expressed in the novel are opinions of the author. All opinions are opinions of the novel's characters.

Word by Author

The following story is a set of events that happened not so long ago. These events are known to me through the documents and the media files I acquired from an anonymous source. Those documents and files were used to create the written pieces that are the content of the novel. These pieces were intended to be as close to the documents acquired as possible. They precisely portray the events as these events happened. I also should note that as soon as I finished the novel, all initial sources were destroyed as it was my agreement with the giver. I also note that all names, dates, and other details able to help the identification of these events’ participants were altered to protect my source. The rest is true.

Oct, 29. Morning and Day. Private Audio Diary of Elise. by Elise

As I remember it, Martin was almost asleep, drifting in a smog of his dream. And it was a telephone call that made him totally awake. That part of his mind which was away from the real world entered the reality. Suddenly, shaken. While he was talking – unsteady hand, pressing an instrument to his ear – his face changed. That was something. Something on the other end of the line.

I worked for this doc film studio for a couple of years. We all here, or at least most of us, have some other jobs on the side. Our days it is not so easy to make your living making the non-fiction features. And for us, the industry does not provide a permanent current of orders and sales. TV channels big enough won’t pay for anything you do and won’t give you an order to do anything you can do.

Once, I decided to use the opportunity for such a job because for a young girl like me, without some highly positioned friends and relatives, and without a prominent inheritance, an occupation a bit closer to TV, or something that at least might seem to be a more creative kind of business, was more promising than some other opportunities I could choose from. Though, I am not a kind of person who at any given moment in one’s life is expecting the unbelievable to happen. To happen and to carry you away from the world of boring reality. But the bloody truth is that I as usually expected my next turn to be a little better than it was indeed. When you start dating someone, do not you expect this new person to be a little more interesting than your previous experiences? If you don’t, we are different. That’s for sure.

Me, I always seize an opportunity for a portion of sweet dreams about something better entering my life when beginning new relations with my new boyfriend. I’m not that kind of female who expects someone to marry her right on the spot and arrange the most perfect marriage ever with the most perfect kids, etc. Of course not. One may say I was not born in the nineteenth century. But maybe I hope for something that is more like an adventure. At least, one little adventure appearing out of the blue in a current of my ever boring life. And maybe he would be more fascinating than a usual person. A little smarter than the guys usually are. Just a little. And only then it all appears to be the same old crap. Nothing so special.

And maybe that is also the way I could feel about a new occupation. What if it is a new move forward? Something that can finally change my life previ