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Travel Series. Free mix

Lewis Foreman

Изучаете английский? Используете его в поездках и на отдыхе? Хотите освежить свой словарный запас или просто прочитать что-нибудь интересное? Тогда эта книга для Вас!Бесплатная версия – 5 коротких рассказов о путешествиях и самых распространенных ситуациях на отдыхе.Всего 5 частей и 50 рассказов с разными героями и сюжетами. Только на английском! Читай, изучай, получай удовольствие!


This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in casual situations and small talks while travelling all over the world.

The following episodes are combined in order to provide you an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just reading stories of different people about their trips and rest.

Enjoy and learn!

Episode ONE

Organising a trip

Ann is going on a vacation. She has dreamt about it for the last six months. She started planning her trip half a year ago. Ann made a research and surfed the Internet.

She found out that the most popular location was Spain.

So, she called a travel agency and asked about offers. They were too expensive so Ann decided to book the tickets and the hotel on her own. Ann also submitted papers for getting a visa.

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