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Managers As Mentors. Building Partnerships for Learning

Marshall Goldsmith

Chip Bell


This latest edition of the classic Managers as Mentors is a rapid-fire read that guides leaders in helping associates grow in today's tumultuous organizations. Thoroughly revised throughout with twelve new chapters, this edition places increased emphasis on the mentor acting as a learning catalyst with the protГ©gГ© rather than simply handing down knowledge.

As with previous editions, a fictional case study of a mentor-protГ©gГ© relationship runs through the book. But now this is augmented with interviews with six top US CEOs. New chapters cover topics such as the role of mentoring in spurring innovation and mentoring a diverse and dispersed workforce accustomed to interacting digitally. Also new to this edition is the Mentor's Toolkit, six resources to help in developing the mentor-protГ©gГ© relationship. This hands-on guide teaches leaders to be the kind of confident coaches integral to learning organizations.

Chip R. Bell, Marshall Goldsmith

Managers as Mentors

Praise for the third edition of Managers as Mentors

“Managers as Mentors is the must-read for leaders who value innovation, growth, and progress – all treasured by-products of those learning organizations where leaders mine talent.”

    – Vijay Govindarajan, coauthor of the New York Times bestseller Reverse Innovation and Professor of International Business, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth University

“Companies today tell their managers �You need to mentor.’ Often left hanging is the question of how. Chip Bell and Marshall Goldsmith fill in the blanks by offering a user-friendly handbook that shows busy managers how to effectively mentor their people. Essential and full of practical wisdom.”

    – Sally Helgesen, author of The Female Advantage and The Web of Inclusion and coauthor of The Female Vision

“Managers as Mentors outlines simple, easy-to-follow steps so that the mentoring role becomes comfortable and doable – even for the busiest managers.”

    – Beverly Kaye, coauthor of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go and the international bestseller Love ’Em or Lose ’Em

“As captain of the �best damn ship in the US Navy,’ I learned that the high-performance sailors typically had effective mentors. Wish I’d had this book then! I’d have given a copy to all my leaders.”

    – Mike Abrashoff, author of the New York Times bestseller It’s Your Ship

“The concept of this book’s brilliance is that every leader must become a mentor to his or her employees. Buy the book and find out how.”

    – Jeffrey Gittomer, author of the New York Times bestsellers The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude and The Little Red Book of Selling

“A good manager makes you want to do a better job; a great manager makes you want to be a better person. This book will help you become the mentor you always wanted and honor the terrific ones you had.”

    – Mark Goulston, author of the international bestseller Just Listen and coauthor of Real Influence

“The single most important action you can take to advance your career is to partner with a great mentor. Imagine how far you could go with two great mentors. In Managers as Mentors, renowned leadership experts Chip Bell and Marshall Goldsmith serve as sage mentors as you learn how to be a great one yourself.”

    – Bill Treasurer, author of Leaders Open Doors and Courage Goes to Work

“Managers as Mentors doesn’t miss a beat and only gets better with time. This third edition, structured around the SAGE model, is sage in the wisdom, experience, and stories it imparts to new and experienced mentors alike.”

    – Dr. Lois J. Zachary, author of The Mentor’s Guide, The Mentee’s Guide, and Creating a Mentoring Culture

“Managers as Mentors provides the framework for developing emerging mentors and passing on the