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Five Short Plays

Martyn Ford

Oxford Bookworms LibraryStarter Level

What do you do if you have a boring job in a restaurant, serving fast food to people who have no time to eat? Smile, and do your best? Perhaps it's better to find a place where time doesn't matter so much. What if you dream of travelling to other countries, but your friends just laugh? Do you stay at home with them? Or do you decide to be more adventurous? Perhaps you hear that someone has bought the last bag of salt in town. Do you buy a bag from him at a high price? Or try to make him give you a bag? Our world is full of these kinds of problems. They make life interesting, and sometimes very funny. These five short plays show people trying to decide what to do in unexpected or difficult situations.

Ford Martyn

Five Short Plays


It’s not always easy to know the right thing to do. For the people in these five short plays, life can be difficult and sometimes very funny.

Harry and his friends are fed up because they haven’t got any money. But Harry has a plan to change all this. It’s a good plan, but even the best plans can go badly wrong …

�Listen,’ says Ron, �My friend over there has got a gun. Give me the money! Give it to me now!’

�What money?’ the woman answers. �I’m sorry, this is not a bank. This is a library.’

Sid and Ron must steal something, but it isn’t easy to rob a library. The woman happily gives them library cards so they can borrow books, and not steal them. In fact, she’s very pleased to help …

Things are often more difficult than they seem. But as in all these plays, people are often more interesting, and much funnier, when they’re trying to do the right thing.

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