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Tale ofВ five wizards

Nikolai Yakunenkov

In the distant Kingdom lived five wizards. Their skills and knowledge were revered among the inhabitants and encouraged at the state level, bringing wealth and peace of mind. But then they were challenged, able to shake the Foundation of their magical art, and the very foundations of the Kingdom, and who thrown…an ordinary peasant.

Tale ofВ five wizards

Nikolai Yakunenkov

© Nikolai Yakunenkov, 2018

ISBNВ 978-5-4490-9399-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

InВ one distant Kingdom, somewhere on the edge ofВ the earth, lived five wizards. They were brothers and so utterly not similar on each other, that many could not toВ believe inВ their relatedness.

The oldest was called Gula, and he loved toВ eat, could enjoy the food even all day long. The hum was very thick, moved on his feet very hard, and when tossed and turned inВ aВ dream on his oak bed, the crackle ofВ the springs under it was heard inВ all the surrounding houses. And he taught everyone the art ofВ eating and enjoying food.

The second oldest brother was called Avarus. This magician had a reputation of a great rich man, so that the king himself often asked him for a loan of money, however, at a very high interest rate. Avarus spent the whole day among his chests with jewels and gold coins, which were simply bursting with excess stored, replenished invariably every day. But there was a rare period of time when he appeared among the inhabitants of the Kingdom to teach the art of wealth accumulation, and, moreover, generously shared his great knowledge. Avarus and Hum were very close as a family, regularly visited each other and helped as needed: senior – products that could create even from the air, and the second oldest brother certain sums of money to send him on his hand.

Middle brother-the magician bore the name Iry. He was very grouchy and always inВ conflicts, even with the king himself, after which the monarch even forbade him toВ appear near his Palace and say his name aloud toВ all his citizens. On this commandment ofВ the crowned person, irii was terribly offended and moved toВ live inВ the mountains, on the edge ofВ aВ dangerous cliff, building his house with high walls there. Brothers, he just can not stand toВ endure them could not, and this feeling toВ their own edinorossam seemed toВ be born withВ it.

Vanit was the fourth brother and very boorish. Not aВ day passed that he did not fail toВ remind someone with an enthusiastic look ofВ his high status ofВ aВ wizard. If he went for aВ walk on the city street, it could be easily seen from afar, such complacency radiated his face, it is inВ perfect harmony with those lush and bright outfits, dressed inВ his short body. It was hard not toВ notice such aВ happy man. But if someone Venita stopped with aВ certain issue, it before you keep any response, always made it clear toВ the questioner with whom he has the honour ofВ talking, and this long-winded tirade could not last one minute. So ambitious was the fourth brother is aВ wizard.

The fifth and youngest of all the brothers bore the name of Superboy. He was considered the most favorite child of his parents, so he was allowed everything from early childhood. Any whim, any his unholy desire always were executed by the father and mother so quickly that, it seemed, the beam of light is much slower than their zealous actions for the sake of the beloved offspring. Already having matured, Superbay was different from other intractable character, which was based on the complete rejection of any authorities. He never greeted anybody, and even the slightest favor didn’t show when he was welcomed by citizens. His art, he passed only to those children and adolescents, who considered at least how much worthy to be with him.

All five brothers were reputed toВ be very respected wizards ofВ the Kingdom, and each family considered it aВ great honor toВ send their children toВ study with one ofВ them. There was no exception and the Royal family, which asked, despite the mutual