
О книге

The novel under consideration describes the events throughout nearly a hundred years and sends the reader to Warsaw, subdued by tsarist Russia,to the gold mines of Western Siberia,where you can come across any kind of crime, including murder.Revolutions, wars, of which 20th century undoubtedly abounds, throw a Ukrainian woman’s fate like a furious wind does to a paper doll .The country is captured by Bolsheviks. Disguised as seekers of happy life for poor people, they fight for power: first in their own country ,then – throughout the world. To gain this terrific goal they introduce dictatorship. Despite disorders, epidemics, hunger, caused by the new government, the heroine of the novel managed to not only survive, but to raise her children. Times changed, as well as the rulers, but the aim remained. It was fight for power. And the woman, under the circumstances, had nothing to do but just supply cheap labor force. Three main heroines of the trilogy are connected not only by family relations but by the mystic story of an ancient necklace which by magic force returns to its true owner.

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