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Tech Trends 2018

Igor Szucs

Ever since the turn ofВ the century, people have watched on with amazement at the rapid rate ofВ change inВ the technological world. Technology has become an increasingly more important part ofВ the world. As we go from 2017В into 2018, and approach aВ new decade inВ the near future, technology takes center-stage once again. InВ this guide, we are going toВ show you how you can best grasp what is coming inВ the future based on the signs that point toВ the latest and greatest trends.

Tech Trends 2018

Igor Szucs

© Igor Szucs, 2017

ISBNВ 978-5-4490-0507-6

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

The people that shape the world inВ which weВ live

Did you ever wonder where do trends come from? Who watches what is going on and makes predictions based on this information and shapes the future tendencies most ofВ us end following? Well, these are the trend-futurologists, Igor Szucs being one ofВ them. With over 340K followers on Instagram and more than 540K followers on Twitter, Igor Szucs always has something toВ say that is ofВ public interest. His entire activity revolves around analyzing the current trends and major events and interests ofВ our world, formulating predictions that are usually true and trends that manage toВ change our world.

Besides being aВ trend-futurologist, Igor is also one ofВ the best business trend analysts inВ the world, an expert when it comes toВ fashion trends, and aВ successful fashion blogger. He is able toВ see the essence inВ the large flows ofВ data that compose our modern society and sense what is about toВ come based on the preferences ofВ people and tendencies inВ the industry. How can one single man have the power toВ change so much information inВ aВ relatively short period, so that everybody finds out about it? Well, he is inВ control ofВ the online content selectors, the ones that create the information streams everyone enjoys inВ aВ daily basis, also performing tuning at aВ rather high level ofВ media robots. With other words, the information you read on the Internet passes through his hands, toВ put it this way, before being released out inВ the world. Thus, you get toВ see information that is ofВ high interest, the trends and future predictions inВ aВ variety ofВ domains, especially inВ the fashion industry. InВ fact, Igor was even the special guest at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, due toВ the reputation he managed toВ create for himself inВ this particular domain.

But Igor Szucs does much more than putting his knowledge and expertise inВ the services ofВ people. He provided support toВ aВ number ofВ business persons, professionals inВ aВ variety ofВ domains, and even governmental organizations. He played an important role as an advisor when it came toВ strategies for very many innovative programs and projects. If there is one person that is tuned inВ with everything that emerges inВ this world, this person is definitely Igor Szucs. He is extremely well-wired and connected with all the major players and trend setters out inВ this world, being the most righteous person toВ filter information and set data flows.

Still, why do we need people like Igor Szucs? Well, people like him work today so you can take better decisions tomorrow. His role is extremely important not just for our society but also for the well-being ofВ your company and business. Being aВ scientist when it comes toВ data and aВ passionate global trend forecaster, he is more than capable ofВ telling you what is going toВ happen tomorrow, so you can always be prepared toВ face the incoming challenges. What kind ofВ information can he provide this way? Everything starting with daily trend intelligence, analytics inВ the retail sector, perceptions ofВ the everyday consumers, toВ tailor-made consultancy services, they are all provided byВ this iconic figure.

If we are toВ look at his client portfolio, we could see that some ofВ the largest retailers inВ the world, manufacturers, and world renowned brands are on hi

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