Children’s rights in the fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Russian-American project

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О книге

By the initiative of Russian pediatricians and with the assistance of the European paediatric association EPA/ UNEPSA, American Academy of Pediatrics, the «Pediatr» publishing house publishes the book illustrating the UN Children’s Rights Convention. The aim of the project is to popularize the values common to all the mankind, and the knowledge of the children’s rights. This aim has been realized in the form most accessible for children – the fairy tale.The book represents the original statement of the UN Children’s Rights Convention. The text of the Convention is given without any changes. Part I (articles from 1 to 41) is accompanied by specially selected and adopted fairy tales with drawings illustrating each picture. Part II is given without any illustrations, as it contains the rules under which the articles of the Convention are executed by the society.

Рейтинги этой книги за 2016 год за всё время
Языкознание, иностранные языки 85 1440
Детская психология и воспитание 157 3345
Детская литература 311 5861
Домоводство 338 7178
Сказки народов мира 274 12231
Юриспруденция 107 2907
Воспитание детей 127 2605
Сказки 273 12173
Среди всех книг 32197

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