Назад к книге «Anatomy of bone system. The manual for medical students / Анатомия костной системы. Учебное пособие для медицинских вузов» [Геннадий Иванович Ничипорук, Иван Васильевич Гайворонский, Анна Андреевна Курцева, Мария Георгиевна Гайворонская]

Anatomy of bone system. The manual for medical students / Анатомия костной системы. Учебное пособие для медицинских вузов

�ван Васильевич Гайворонский

Анна Андреевна Курцева

Геннадий �ванович Ничипорук

Мария Георгиевна Гайворонская

Данное пособие является английской версией учебника профессора �. В. Гайворонского «Нормальная анатомия человека», который был издан в России 9 раз и одобрен Министерством образования Российской Федерации.

Структура пособия соответствует современным стандартам медицинского образования в России и важнейшим Европейским стандартам. Английская и латинская терминология приведены в соответствии с Международной анатомической номенклатурой.

Ничипорук Г. �., Гайворонская М. Г., Курцева А. А., Гайворонский �. В.

Anatomy of bone system. The manual for medical students / Анатомия костной системы. Учебное пособие для медицинских вузов


A., a. – arteria

Aa., aa. – arteriae

Art., art., – articulatio

Artt., artt., – articulationes

For., for. – foramen

Gl., gl. – glandula

Gll., gll. – glandulae

Lig., lig. – ligamentum

Ligg., ligg. – ligamenta

M., m. – musculus

Mm., mm. – musculi

N., n. – nervus

Nn., nn. – nervi

R., r. – ramus

Rr., rr. – rami

S., s. – sulcus

V., v. – vena

Vv., vv. – venae


Creation of the manual В«Anatomy of Bone SystemВ» in English meets the requirements of modern Russian medicine and education. Nowadays, many English-speaking oversea students study in Medical Universities of Russia. Besides, many Russian school leavers have a good command of English, so they will be able to use this manual by taking into consideration the fact that many Russian medical specialists work abroad after graduating from the universities or take part in different international conferences and symposiums.

The English version of the manual is based on the Russian manual by professor I. V. Gaivoronskiy В«Normal Human AnatomyВ» which has been published in Russia 9 times and is approved by the Ministry of education of Russia.

This manual introduces the main principles of the Russian Anatomy School, such as: detailed study of the general aspects and items of Anatomy including the development of organs and anomalies of the development. If we compare theoretical approaches to Anatomy in Russia and in other countries, we will see that our approach is based on the system descriptions of organs, i.e. we describe separately the Skeletal system, Articulations, Muscular system etc. Moreover, we use Latin terminology in describing the structure of organs, and discuss clinicoanatomical and functional problems. As for foreign manuals, many of them describe Anatomical systems in accordance with the regional and topographical principles.

The structure of our manual meets the requirements of modern standards of medical education in Russia which, in their turn, correspond to the major European standards. After each chapter, we give test questions and clinicoanatomical problems. The English and Latin terminology is given in accordance with the International Anatomical Nomenclature.

The authers srongly believe that the manual will allow future doctors to form the morphological foundation for the further study of theoretical and clinical disciplines. We also hope that it will be of great help to Anatomy teachers.

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