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Useful and practical tips forВ life

Алишер Жаббарович Абдалиев

If we wait until we are perfect, and only then begin to love ourselves we will have wasted our lives. We should start to improve in all aspects – here and now. In this world of change we must be flexible in all areas. One needs to readily change himself and his beliefs in order to improve the quality of his life and his world around him. To achieve that you might like to use these simple and unpretentious advice in this short manual.

Useful and practical tips forВ life

Compiling editor Alisher Jabbarovich Abdaliev

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero


It’s good to be rich and healthy. However, to be rich and healthy is not enough – it is much more important to be happy. But what is happiness? This is a difficult question.

For many centuries poets, philosophers and thinkers have been trying toВ understand what is happiness.

Many people think that if you find the answer to this question, then immediately happiness will come. It seems as if the genetic code is unraveled, then all will be healthy and will live for three hundred years. But it’s not all about our body and regarding happiness and other joys for the soul, then, in my opinion, no such luck which could be found and dived into – exists and cannot be.

InВ my opinion happiness is aВ change for the better. It can be compared with acceleration, inВ general, it turns out that happiness is when you live byВ changing your life for the better from all sides, suffering from change and rejoicing and misfortune is aВ smooth life without shocks and events, even inВ aВ healthy body.

From the moment you decide toВ change, as long as you get results, you probably will fluctuate between the old and the new. You might want toВ use these simple tips every day until you build up confidence inВ your ability toВ bring about change and know that life is always ready toВ helpВ you.

If we wait until we are perfect, and only then begin to love ourselves we will have wasted our lives. We should start to improve in all aspects – here and now. In this world of change we must be flexible in all areas. One needs to readily change himself and his beliefs in order to improve the quality of his life and his world around him. To achieve that you might like to use these simple and unpretentious advice in this short manual.

Health and beauty

Your body, like everything else inВ life, is aВ mirror ofВ your inner thoughts and beliefs. Each cell responds toВ your every thought and every word.

You need to keep in touch with your body and listen to its message and add your amendments to these messages. You must at all levels give your body what it needs for optimal health. And that’s exactly the way it is.

Balanced diet holds of great importance in order to have a healthy body and skin. Normal eating is when a person gets as many calories as he consumes. We ought to know that people whose activities involve brainwork must receive about 3000 calories, and people of physical labor – 3500. It is believed that a healthy body weight in kilograms is approximately equal to the height of the body in centimeters minus one hundred. If the height of a man is 170 cm, his normal weight should be 70kg. Deviations in one side or the other to 5% are acceptable. We must eat regularly, preferably at the same time, no less than three times per day. The food must be spread out as follows: for breakfast – about 30% of the daily portion, for lunch – 50% and for the rest – 20%.

As is known, one needs five groups of dietary constituents: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and mineral salts (excluding water). Therefore, a person can and should eat a wide variety of products. It is now well established that it is beneficial for the human body to receive a variety of fats – vegetable and animal, which must make up 1/8 part of the tota

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