Назад к книге «Законы развития судебной системы» [Екатерина Игоревна Алексеевская, Екатерина Игоревна Алексеевская]

Законы развития судебной системы

Екатерина Игоревна Алексеевская

В основе монографии лежит диалектическое описание судебной системы как целенаправленной системы, имеющей сложную иерархию и правила функционирования, находящейся в постоянном взаимодействии внутренних ее элементов и внешних факторов влияния, в том числе других ветвей власти, в результате чего наблюдаются структурные изменения самой судебной системы, ее компетенции и качества правосудия в целом. Книга дает новое понимание современного состояния судебной системы и возможностей ее развития, решения современных вызовов и задач.

Книга может быть полезна в учебно-образовательной программе на юридических факультетах и кафедрах ВУЗов, в программе повышения квалификации у государственных служащих, а также всем интересующимся вопросами организации судебной системы и ее полномочий.

Екатерина Алексеевская

Законы развития судебной системы

Посвящается В.И. Лазареву







In the basis of book lies the dialectical description of the judicial system as a purposeful system having a complex hierarchy and rules of functioning, which is in continuous interaction of its internal elements and external factors of influence, including other branches of government, therefore structural changes of the judicial system in itself, as well as its competence and the quality of justice in general are observed.

Consideration by the author of judicial system as an integrated dynamic system allows to reveal a number of regularities in its cyclical development.

Society, as it is known, develops in a spiral. Exactly this model of evolution in philosophy arose as a result of the interaction of the three laws of dialectics: the unity and conflict of opposites, the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative, and the negation of negation. The court as a mirror of society repeats the convolutions of its development. The line forming a spiral is the hierarchy of the judicial system. At the same time this line, as the spiral of lower order, represents the unification and differentiation of judges’ specialization in consideration and resolution of cases, in jurisdiction and official knowledge of controversies, as well as the centralization and decentralization of judicial control, and as a consequence, the redistribution of powers between the judicial instances (appeal, cassation, supervision). Reduction or increase in number of judicial instances occurs simultaneously with the change of the administrative-territorial division of the state, and principles of government, the population size, and hence the number of cases coming to court. Depending on what authority (judicial or non-judicial) heads the judicial system and carries out check of the court decisions, there is the correction of its principles and procedures.

The domestic judicial system, having passed some cycles, recently passed the bifurcation point and again is in an unstable state. Evidence of this is the merger of higher judiciary in the system of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction, despite the fact that this task was not included in the Federal target program for development of the judicial system until 2020.

Complex study of factors influencing the judicial system will allow us to comprehend the global processes in society and the state – as being fundamentals in forming the structure of the judicial system and principles of its functioning. Such researches are useful for fledged understanding the history of the development of the domestic judicial system and its trends. Therefore, taking into account the history of transformations and their scales, the book gives a new understanding of the modern state of judicial system and possibility of its modeling – with due regard for the mistakes of the past.


Появление этой книги на свет было бы невозможно, если бы мой научный руководитель В.М. Жуйков на рубеже нулевых годов не убедил меня обратить

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