Серия «The Best of Sci-Fi Classics» 15 книг
Émile Gallé522An icon in the Art Nouveau movement, Émile Gallé (1846-1904) sought to portray the beauty and simplicity of nature in his glass art. His designs, referred to as “poetry in glass”, range from fine ...
Klaus H. Carl653Chaïm Soutine (1893-1943), the unconventional and controversial painter of Belorussian origin, combines influences of classic European painting with Post-Impressionism and Expressionism. As a member ...
Wassily Kandinsky451Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) was a Russian painter credited as being among the first to truly venture into abstract art. He persisted in expressing his internal world of abstraction despite ...
Patrick Bade556Born in 1860 in a small Czech town, Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was an artist on the forefront of Art Nouveau, the modernist movement that swept Paris in the 1910s, marking a return to the simplicity ...
Victoria Charles, Shuvalova Irina563Russian countryside is some of the world’s most lovely, from the celebrated explosions of wild flowers that fill its forests in the spring, to the icy winter tundra that defeated the advances of ...
Nathalia Brodskaya654Félix Vallotton, né à Lausanne le 28 décembre 1865 et mort à Paris le 29 décembre 1925, est un artiste peintre, sculpteur et graveur sur bois Suisse, naturalisé Français en 1900. En une dizaine d’ann...
Dmitri V. Sarabianov579Among the “young peredvizhniki” who joined the World of Art group, the most brilliant portraitist was Valentin Serov. Like many of his contemporaries, he delighted in painting out of doors, and some ...
Grigori Sternin499Repin wurde 1844 in der Provinz Charkow (Ukraine) geboren und lernte bereits als 12-Jähriger die Ikonenmalerei. Religiöse Darstellungen haben bei ihm große Bedeutung. Ab 1872 begann die Galerie ...
Félix Witting577Der zu seinen Lebzeiten als kontrovers geltende italienische Maler Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) hat seinen heutigen Weltruhm als hervorragender Künstler des Barock einer ...
Grigori Sternin500Ilya Répine (1844 Chuguyev –1930 Kuokkala) Ilya Répine était le plus doué du groupe que l\'on appelait en Russie «Les Ambulants ». Dès l\'âge de douze ans, il entre à l\'atelier d\'...
Grigori Sternin536Ilya Repin was the most gifted of the group known in Russia as “The Itinerants”. When only twelve years old, he joined Ivan Bounakov’s studio to learn the icon-painter’s craft. Religious ...
Nina Kalitina624For Claude Monet the designation ‘impressionist’ always remained a source of pride. In spite of all the things critics have written about his work, Monet continued to be a true impressionist to the ...
Jane Rogoyska585“I am not interested in myself as a subject for painting, but in others, particularly women…”Beautiful, sensuous and above all erotic, Gustav Klimt’s paintings speak of a world of opulence and leisure...
, Клиффорд Саймак961В недалеком будущем люди по всему миру стали обнаруживать в себе паракинетические способности: чтение мыслей, левитацию, телепортацию разума. Одним из следствий этого явления стало создание корпорации ...
, Филип К. Дик968После ядерной войны Земля превратилась в пустыню, покрытую радиоактивной пылью. Немногие оставшиеся люди влачат жалкое существование в полуразрушенных городах. Рик Декарт, профессиональный охотник, ... Читать онлайн