Dear Mr. Henshaw / Дорогой мистер Хеншоу. 7-8 классы
Беверли Клири
А. В. Шитова
Young Readers' Club
В повести рассказана история мальчика-подростка Ли Боттса, который переписывается с автором детских книжек мистером Хеншоу. В будущем Ли мечтает купить печатную машинку и стать знаменитым писателем, но пока у него не получается придумать даже рассказ для школьного конкурса юных сочинителей. Всё дело в том, что в семье Боттсов произошли перемены.
Beverly Clearyю. Беверли Клири
Dear Mr. Henshaw. Дорогой мистер Хеншоу
Книга для чтения на английском языке в 7–8 классах общеобразовательных учебных заведений
Адаптация и словарь: А. В. Шитова
© Шитова А. В., адаптация, словарь, 2014
© ООО Антология, 2014
May 12
Dear Mr. Henshaw,
My teacher read your book about the dog to our class. It was funny. We licked it.
Your freind,[1 - “licked” и “freind” – неправильное написание слов “liked” и “friend”: герой книги учится только во втором классе.]
Leigh Botts (boy)
December 3
Dear Mr. Henshaw,
I am the boy who wrote to you last year when I was in the second grade. Maybe you didn’t get my letter. This year I read the book that I wrote to you about called Ways to Amuse a Dog. It is the first thick book with chapters that I have read.
The boy’s father said that city dogs were bored so Joe could not keep the dog unless he could find seven ways to amuse it. I have a black dog. His name is Bandit. He is a nice dog.
If you answer I will put your letter on the bulletin board.
My teacher taught me a trick about friend. The i goes before e so that at the end it will spell end.
Keep in tutch*.
Your friend,
Leigh (Le-e-e) Botts
November 13
Dear Mr. Henshaw,
I am in the fourth grade now. I made a diorama of Ways to Amuse a Dog, the book that I wrote to you about two times before. Now our teacher is making us write to authors for Book Week. I got your answer to my letter last year, but it was only printed. Please write to me in your own handwriting. I am a great lover of your books.
My favorite character in the book was Joe’s Dad because he didn’t get mad when Joe amused his dog by playing a tape of a lady singing, and his dog sat and howled like he was singing, too. Bandit does the same thing when he hears singing.
Your best reader,
Leigh Botts
December 2
Dear Mr. Henshaw,
I am thinking about Ways to Amuse a Dog. When Joe took his dog to the park and taught him to slide down the slide, wouldn’t some grownup come and say he couldn’t let his dog use the slide? Here grownups, who are mostly really old with cats, get mad if dogs aren’t on leashes every minute. I hate living in a mobile home park.
I saw your picture on the back of the book. When I grow up I want to be a famous book writer with a beard like you.
I am sending you my picture. It is last year’s picture. My hair is longer now. With all the millions of kids in the U.S., how would you know who I am if I don’t send you my picture?
Your favorite reader,
Leigh Botts
Enclosure: Picture of me.
(We are studying business letters.)
October 2
Dear Mr. Henshaw,
I am in the fifth grade now. You might like to know that I gave a book report on Ways to Amuse a Dog. The class liked it. I got an A-. The minus was because the teacher said I didn’t stand on both feet.
Leigh Botts
November 7
Dear Mr. Henshaw,
I got your letter and did what you said. I read a different book by you. I read Moose on Toast. I liked it almost as much as Ways to Amuse a Dog. It was really funny that the boy’s mother tried to find ways to cook the moose meat they had in their freezer. 1000 pounds is a lot of moose. Moose burgers, moose stew and moose meat loaf don’t sound too bad. Maybe moose mincemeat pie would be OK because you wouldn’t know you were eating moose. Creamed moose on toast, yuck.
I don’t think the boy’s father had to shoot the moose, but I guess there are many moose in Alaska, and maybe they needed it for food.
If my Dad shot a moose I would give the tough parts to my dog Bandit.
Your number 1 fan,
Leigh Botts