The Billionaire And The Bassinet
Suzanne McMinnНачать читать книгу
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О книге
Bundles of JoyWHOSE BABY IS IT?Executive Garrett Blakemore vowed to discover if expectant mother Lanie was really carrying a Blakemore heir–or if she was only after the family fortune. Then he became enticed by the pregnant beauty. Was it her love for her unborn child or her aching vulnerability that struck a chord? And when Lanie's labor pains started, he found himself playing the role of delivery dad….All Lanie wanted was for her baby to know his father's family. But she wasn't about to fall for sexy Garrett. So why, as the gruf businessman tenderly cradled her newborn, did she wish he'd claim her and little Dalton as his own?Sometimes small packages lead to the biggest surprises!
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