How to get rid of premature ejaculation. Symptoms, treatment, advice. Extend your abilities easily and simply!
Alice Meyer
Sexologists say that almost 30% of adult men face this problem constantly or from time to time.In our manual, simple tips and easy methods how to avoid male hypersensitivity and maximally prolong sexual intercourse with a girl.
How to get rid of premature ejaculation
Symptoms, treatment, advice. Extend your abilities easily and simply!
Alice Meyer
© Alice Meyer, 2018
ISBNВ 978-5-4493-0680-7
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Sexologists say that almost 30% ofВ adult men face this problem constantly or from time toВ time.
InВ our manual, simple tips and easy methods how toВ avoid male hypersensitivity and maximally prolong sexual intercourse with aВ girl.
Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is the rapid achievement ofВ aВ peak ofВ sexual arousal or rapid ejaculation. This situation happened inВ about half ofВ men at least once inВ aВ lifetime. At what it is difficult toВ single out aВ specific age group that is prone toВ the rapid onset ofВ ejaculation, it can be caused byВ aВ whole set ofВ factors.
Along with the most common disorder can be identified, and other similar: delayed ejaculation – is the process of ejaculation after some time, retrograde ejaculation – the process, when the seed is cast is not of the penis, and gets out of the prostate into the bladder, overwhelmed by orgasm. The problem lies in the fact that ejaculation can occur even before the penetration of the penis into the vagina or a short time after.
At what inВ this case, byВ the man it is not supervised, and also can not be timely prevented.
InВ aВ word, this inВ any case does not happen when the man wanted it. This problem causes discontent ofВ both sexual partners, as actually none ofВ them has time toВ enjoy the process and enjoy. Moreover, the presence ofВ such ejaculation, as aВ rule, is not related toВ the degree ofВ activity ofВ sexual stimulation.
How not to determine when it is “premature.” According to the research of scientists, the majority of the men surveyed believe that 7—13 minutes are sufficient to directly intercourse (the calculation is from the moment of introduction of the member into the vagina). A longer duration is considered by the majority already tedious. But the smaller, just does not allow us to have time to enjoy the process.
So, there are several definitions when ejaculation is considered premature:
– if it occurs before the moment when the sexual partner has had time to experience an orgasm,
– if it happens only a few minutes after the introduction of the penis into the vagina.
Sexologists say that about aВ third ofВ all men regularly or occasionally encounter this phenomenon.
In women, it is usually the first thing that causes anxiety. “Am I doing something wrong?”, “Am I really too beautiful?”
After the stage of anxiety recedes, the stage of resentment and bitterness begins. “You think only of yourself!”, “You do everything only for your own satisfaction!”, “Everything, I will not have sex with you any more, I’ll leave at all!”. What happens? Having an exclusively functional disorder that is amenable to correction and appropriate treatment, while in fact is not controlled by the mind of a man, he becomes rejected or abandoned altogether.
Yes, premature ejaculation is aВ problem affecting and even destroying the relationship. Each ofВ the partners thinks that it is his fault that everything happens inВ this way. However, if we accept the situation together, realize that it is the joint efforts directed toВ the right side that will help resolve it quickly and effectively, it ceases toВ be something really threatening. It is extremely important toВ have an open dialogue between sexual partners. Support and understanding, as well as the manifestation ofВ tolerance