The Matrix ofВ Consciousness
Van Tzu
About how to create worlds and manage reality.On the secret power of consciousness and life without artificial boundaries.For all who want to rule the world without exerting external efforts.
The Matrix ofВ Consciousness
Van Tzu
The artist ofВ life controls reality using creativity and hidden possibilities ofВ consciousness.
© Van Tzu, 2018
ISBNВ 978-5-4493-1844-2
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
The Tao ofВ Reality
Consciousness ofВ the Sorcerer
Imagine an ideal world – the embodiment of a dream. Already imagine? But then where were you before? Maybe in another beautiful world where dreams come true?
If not, then you need toВ change something urgently.
You can try toВ change the external environment. It will be difficult and will require many costs.
Another option is toВ change attitudes towards life. With the help ofВ the imagination create aВ cozy and comfortable world inВ which toВ realize all their ambitious plans and dreams. And this is much easier than it seems.
Are you ready toВ take aВ chance and start aВ new life?
Reality where there is no more negative: all this is possible.
We are the creators ofВ our life. Life is formed from our beliefs and attitudes for aВ long time. As we evolve, our ideas change and with them internal reality also changes.
Not all dreams come true and often life does not develop inВ the best way. Particularly influenced byВ it are external factors and erroneous beliefs.
The surrounding negative forms aВ distorted picture ofВ the world. It is so firmly strengthened that it becomes an integral part ofВ us. Such inertia ofВ thinking leads toВ disability ofВ consciousness and slowly destroys our life.
But we can change this scenario and break free. The book will show how toВ do it easily and simply.
Yin in Yang – the Path of Devastation
The one who relies only on the outside world is aВ slave.
AВ person with aВ Western outlook tries toВ fill his world with external images. Create aВ semblance ofВ luxury life so that it is reflected inside. The whole emphasis is placed on the environment through which the basic needs areВ met.
InВ this situation, the internal potential does not take an active part. Over time, it degrades and ceases toВ exist and we are deprived ofВ the internal mechanism for transforming the world.
InВ order toВ create comfortable conditions it is necessary toВ spend aВ large amount ofВ vital resources. But this does not guarantee their achievement. Energy and time will be irretrievably lost inВ the struggle for improvement. And the result does not justify all expenses.
Environmental factors contribute to changing our state. But if it will solely depend on their manifestations, then we will become puppets – dependent on things and all-round situations.
All this is aВ risky and expensive way toВ achieve prosperity. Often he leads toВ aВ dead end, depriving freedom ofВ making life empty and meaningless.
Yang in Yin – the Way of Creation
The one who discovered the secret ofВ consciousness is able toВ change the whole world.
Unlike the Western approach inВ the East, they sought toВ find inner harmony. They created their own worlds and controlled them at will.
External circumstances do not exert aВ special influence on those who live inВ the secret chambers ofВ their ego. On those who built the inner palace and dominate its territory.
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