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Future is coming: bio-revolution. Triumph ofВ humanism

Vladimir Kishinets

Over the past 150—200 years, man has gained immeasurably more knowledge about the properties of nature and has created significantly more technology than in all previous millennia. It is quite natural that as a result of this, our world is now on the threshold of new, grandiose and largely unexpected metahistorical changes.These changes are connected with the emerging scientific biotechnological revolution, with the creation of a new Biomedicine.

Future is coming: bio-revolution

Triumph ofВ humanism

Vladimir Kishinets

Praemonitus praemunitus (lat.) —

forewarned is forearmed.

Latin saying

© Vladimir Kishinets, 2018

ISBNВ 978-5-4493-6416-6

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


It is known that inВ the history ofВ humankind from time toВ time there are special (meta-historical) events that significantly changes the course ofВ its development. At the same time, it is easy toВ see that all ofВ them are the result ofВ human development ofВ new, vital technologies.

Such events include, for example, the beginning of a person’s use of fire. One of the most important technologies based on fire was the possibility of thermal processing of food, which radically expanded the power base of ancient people, which ultimately influenced their biology and led to the emergence of modern man.

From closer meta events can be identified the beginning ofВ the use ofВ steam power. The consequences ofВ this are the industrial revolution and the entry ofВ humanity into the new era ofВ scientific and technological progress.

Over the past 150—200 years, man has gained immeasurably more knowledge about the properties of nature and has created significantly more technology than in all previous millennia. It is quite natural that as a result of this, our world is now on the threshold of new, grandiose and largely unexpected metahistorical changes.

These changes are connected with the emerging scientific biotechnological revolution, with the creation ofВ aВ new Biomedicine.

Most people are not familiar with the dynamics of recent advances in biology, it is difficult, perhaps, to imagine two things – how complex are the processes underlying biological life and how deeply modern science has penetrated into them.

As a result, today we are witnessing a landmark event – human knowledge about the phenomenon of natural biological life has reached an understanding of its most fundamental foundations.

It is quite natural that this understanding is inevitable next step – the creation of new, effective methods and technologies of control mechanisms of biology. Of course, here, first of all, our aspirations are connected with our, human biology to which we have many claims, from thousands of diseases tormenting people, to the most important problems of existence – the inevitable aging and mandatory human mortality…

InВ this small work, IВ have tried toВ describe very briefly, without details and justifications, the prospects ofВ emerging today Biomedicine and the enormous humanitarian, civilizational consequences that await earthly intelligent life as aВ result ofВ its introduction.

В В В В V. Kishinets,В PhD.

В В В В Moscow, October 2018, kishinets@mail.ru


Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed…

The First Epistle ofВ St. Paul toВ the Corinthians


It is impossible to describe in such a small work all the scientific and technological prerequisites for the creation of a new Biomedicine that have appeared in recent years[1 - More information about them can be found in my work “Актуальное бессмертие. 1. Надежды и перспективы”, 2017, (Actual Immortality. 1. Hope and Prospects).]. The evidentiary presentation of their details would take too much space.


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