Назад к книге «Love. Big Bang» [Vitaly Mushkin, Виталий Мушкин]

Love. Big Bang

Vitaly Mushkin

The protagonist builds a large country house. And yet he does not know that this house will become the personification of his new life, his new great love. The action takes place in our days, in the village of Vaskelovo near St. Petersburg. It seems to be all corny. Marriage, betrayal, a new woman. But a great feeling gives the narrative an extraordinary sensuality, beauty, originality.


Big Bang

Vitaly Mushkin

© Vitaly Mushkin, 2018

ISBNВ 978-5-4490-7331-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Some time ago IВ decided toВ build aВ house. For rest, for life, for offspring. IВ do not have any children, but they should appear sometime? IВ looked after the place for aВ long time, even inВ my childhood. Here we went for aВ drive on bicycles. If you go on the highway from St. Petersburg, the station Vaskelovo remains on the right. Then you cross the small bridge over Lake Lembolovskoe (the most beautiful places!) And climb the hill. From here you can enjoy picturesque views ofВ the surroundings. Rare large pines, dry sandy place, what could be better? Without bargaining, IВ bought aВ half hectare ofВ land. He made his way, spent electricity, stretched out the gas. IВ set up aВ cabins for workers, built aВ guest house, and set about building my house. Excavation, foundation, brick walls. The work was inВ full swing.

The guest house is small, one-storey, made ofВ timber. Two rooms, aВ living room and aВ bedroom, aВ kitchen, aВ bathroom. All the amenities, as inВ the city. IВ put the house on the very edge ofВ the plot, byВ the forest. Here IВ came from the city toВ monitor the construction ofВ the House, resting on the weekend. My wife, Valentine, has never appeared here. But IВ also started all this construction, toВ run away sometimes from the city, from worries, troubles, and from my wife. Living with her recently was just unbearable.

We were married for several years. Valentina was an interesting woman, otherwise I would not have married her. But there was something “nervous” about her that manifested itself more and more with time. I wrote off this for her sexual dissatisfaction, because Valya never experienced an orgasm. What was the reason, I did not know. Maybe I am?

We lie with his wife in his chic bedroom of his six-room apartment in the center of St. Petersburg. This is a rare case when we are both in the same bed and both are awake. Our regimes do not fundamentally coincide. I’m a lark, she’s a night owl. I get up early, Valya at noon. She comes home when I’m already asleep. Therefore, we often sleep together, not together.

But today IВ decided toВ lie down inВ the bedroom. And IВ can not sleep, IВ watched aВ good movie late. IВ heard Valentina come. And here she is with me inВ bed.

“What are you lying here for?”

– Cinema watched.

“And I’m tired today.” This vulgar vernissage with cheap canvases. Only my head ached.

If Vali has aВ headache, then there will be no sex. This is an unwritten rule. But the rules are there toВ exclude them from them? As, for example, today.

“Will you go with me to the dacha tomorrow?”

– And what is there to do?

“Well, there’s nature, we’ll rest.”

– I saw such a rest.

“It’s quiet and calm there.”

Plebe rest.

IВ did not answer. Valya herself from the village. Her parents and relatives live there. During those years that she lives with me, she turned into aВ real socialite, despising all the mob that is below her on the social ladder. And she did not work for aВ single day. Also sits only on my neck. However, IВ myself am guilty, inВ all it IВ indulge.

You can not call Valya very beautiful. But when she is inspired byВ something, when her eyes are burning, she is admired. However, all less often. Yes, and sex withВ us is not aВ frequent visitor. Valya is lean, like all neurasthenics, even aВ little angular. But there was aВ time, there were days and nights, when for hours

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