The Art of Winning. The Startup Guide

18+ Книга "The Art of Winning. The Startup Guide" – Yury Yavorsky
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О книге

About the book.

This book by the Russian entrepreneur is about setting up your own business and what is the best way to start if you have made up your mind.
Multiple tips of the author are illustrated by 25 years of experience and urge the reader to perform gap analysis if you are in the business and contain recommendations on avoiding typical mistakes or misconceptions found in American books, and dispel the myths that armchair business wizards create.

Рейтинги этой книги за всё время
Языкознание, иностранные языки 443
Домоводство 4869
Деловая литература 14286
Просто о бизнесе 4855
Руководства 4443
Публицистика 9055
Справочная литература 1627