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Natural vision quickly and easy! How to restore 20/20 eyesight for 1 month without pills and surgery? Miopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, cataract and other eye problem recovery step-by-step guide

Fedor Simonov

Miopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, cataract and other eye problem recovery step-by-step guide. The program is working not only on the myopia but on the hyperopia, cataracts, glaucoma. Everything person is unique and the results depend on the current stage of the eye problem, self-motivation and desire to work on it. According to the methodology, the average speed of the eyesight recovery is approximately 0.5—1 diopter a month. However, you can achieve better result if you train harder.

Natural vision quickly and easy! How to restore 20/20 eyesight for 1 month without pills and surgery?

Miopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, cataract and other eye problem recovery step-by-step guide

Fedor Simonov

© Fedor Simonov, 2016

© Vera Simonova, translation, 2016

© Anton Grigoriev, cover design, 2016

Proofreader Boris Anufriev

ISBNВ 978-5-4483-0663-1

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero


According to the data of World Health Organization 4 billion people from 6 billion people living on the Earth have eyesight problems. Let’s think about the scale of this problem within the frame of the whole humanity. At the same time 1.3 billion people use different correction eyesight tools (glasses, contact lenses).

The situation is worse: every second person suffers from the poor eyesight.

Where do all this leadВ to?

The poor eyesight doesn’t allow us to get full information about the world around us. It is acknowledged that a person receives about 70 percent of the information with the eyes. Let’s think of how important this sense is, if the rest of the senses cover only 30 percent!

With the eyesight deterioration many people can’t work on the computer for a long time. After 30 or 40 minutes in front of the PC monitor we are getting worse workability, headache and bad feeling.

People with the poor eyesight orientate badly in the surrounding world compared with others. They cannot enjoy nature entirely. The problems occur even in normal everyday situations. For example, the people who can’t see the bus number have to ask for help.

The situation is going inВ such aВ way that our children and grandchildren can encounter eyesight problems at an earlyВ age!

At the same time the school children with eyesight problems will not be able toВ learn at school inВ aВ proper way, and their progress will become worse and worse each year, unless, ofВ course, the problem is identified and the solution is found.

What can the modern medicine offer?

All methods that ophthalmologists offer today have toВ do with the correction. They help toВ live with the poor eyesight, but they do not remove the cause ofВ the eyesight problems.

Glasses and contact lenses

Glasses help to relieve some of the stress on the eye muscles and it helps toslow down the process of eyesight deterioration. Nevertheless, very often after 1—2 years a person comes to the doctor for a prescription of new, stronger glasses again. Then over the years the situation is deteriorating, and the glasses should be perceived as a «crutch,» but not a cure.

With the contact lenses, the situation is even worse because they must be worn all day long without taking off. As aВ result the muscles are constantly lazy, and it causes further weakening ofВ eyesight. While you are inВ lenses you cannot do any exercise or massage during theВ day.

Laser surgery

Laser surgery is very doubtful solution ofВ such aВ problem as myopia. Firstly, it is aВ surgery on such aВ fragile organ as the eye, and the surgery itself is quite risky. Secondly, this treatment has many drawbacks and possible problems about which doctors warn their patients.

Besides laser therapy factually makes glasses from your eyes but without opportunity toВ take them off, because it does correction ofВ the curvature ofВ the cornea

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