Назад к книге «Айвенго / Ivanhoe» [Вальтер Скотт]

Айвенго / Ivanhoe

Вальтер Скотт


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Книга содержит адаптированный и сокращённый текст классического романа Вальтера Скотта «Айвенго» (1819 г.). Действие происходит в Средневековой Англии, во времена Ричарда Львиное Сердце и Робин Гуда.

Для удобства читателя текст сопровождается комментариями, разными видами упражнений, а также кратким словарем.

Предназначается для продолжающих изучать английский язык (уровень 3 – Intermediate).

Вальтер Скотт / Walter Scott

Айвенго / Ivanhoe

Адаптация текста, составление комментариев, упражнений и словаря М. С. Пирогова

© Пирогов М. С., адаптация текста, комментарии, упражнения, словарь

© ООО «�здательство АСТ»


In that beautiful part of England where flows the river Don[1 - river Don – река Дон (протекает в Южном Йоркшире).] there was in ancient times a large forest, where lived famous bandits. Their adventures have been described in many English ballads.

This is our scene. The date of our story refers to a period towards the end of the reign of Richard I,[2 - Richard I the Lionheart – Ричард I Львиное Сердце правил с 1189 по 1199 г. С 1192 по 1194 г. король был в плену в Австрии и Германии.] who was still in prison in a foreign country, while his subjects were oppressed in every possible way. The nobles had become powerful, and each one of them wanted to have a castle and an army.

Four generations since the Conquest by Duke William of Normandy[3 - the Conquest by Duke William of Normandy – в конце XI века Вильгельм (Вильям), герцог Нормандии, завоевал и подчинил себе англо-саксонское королевство Гарольда II.] had not been enough to make one people out of the victors Normans and the defeated Anglo-Saxons. After the battle of Hastings[4 - the battle of Hastings – битва при Гастингсе (1066 г.) – одно из ключевых событий английской истории. Победа нормандской армии и гибель короля Гарольда II обеспечили успех нормандского завоевания Англии.] the power had been completely placed in the hands of the Norman nobility, and almost all of Saxon princes and nobles had been destroyed.

Two men were walking slowly in the forest with a herd of pigs before them. The swineherd was grim and silent. His thick hair had a rusty dark-red colour and around his neck he had a brass ring like a dog’s collar. On this necklace there was the following inscription – “Gurth, the son of Beowulph, is a born slave of Cedric of Rotherwood.”[5 - a born slave – «раб по рождению». В средневековой Англии рабство продолжало существовать, хотя процент рабов от общей численности населения был невелик.] His companion was a jester named Wamba. They both belonged to one man and were on their way home. “Listen,” said Gurth, “a terrible storm is raging within a few miles of us, don’t you hear the thunder? Let’s get home before it gets here.”

A group of horsemen overtook them on the road. There were ten men; the two who rode the first seemed to be important persons. One of them was obviously a member of the church of a

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