Портрет сторонника Путина. Накануне 2008 года

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Сборник подготовлен на основе опросов Фонда «Общественное мнение» (2003-2005 гг.) и исследований Фонда Эффективной политики (1999-2005 гг.) The aging exponents of «Putin’s majority» continue to support the President out of pure inertia and due to the lack of alternative. On the other side, the youthful core of Putin’s constituent body knows full surely what they wan from the President and the «United Russia» party. Voters under 30 do not expect the power to give them more than their dues and tend to rely primarily on themselves. The structure of Putin’s majority has radically changed in the course of the five past years. The proportion of young people who consider the President to be doing his job properly amounts to 71 per cent. 40 per cent of Putin’s supporters are those under 35 and the distribution of this body within the population is roughly equal from the capitals to the rural areas. This brochure gives detailed information on the trend shifts within the electorate and the changes in the voters life stand.

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