Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских полезных фраз. Часть III. Удачные фразы.
Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз – практическое руководство по соответствующим выражениям, ярким сравнениям, литературным, коммерческим, разговорным и ораторским терминам для украшения речи и письма, а также расширения словарного запаса тех, кто читает, пишет и говорит по-английски. Пособие включает одиннадцать частей, которые составляют одиннадцать томов. Часть I. Употребительные фразы. Часть II. Значимые фразы. Часть III. Удачные фразы. Часть IV. Выразительные фразы. Часть V. Предложные фразы. Часть VI. Деловые фразы. Часть VII. Литературные выражения. Часть VIII. Яркие сравнения. Часть IX. Разговорные фразы. Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений. Часть XI. Прочие фразы.
Виктор Никитин
Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских полезных фраз. Часть III. Удачные фразы.
ability, humor, and perspicacity [perspicacity = perceptive]
abrupt, rough, and immoderate
abstruse, metaphysical, and idealistic
abundant, varied, and vigorous
accessible, knowable, and demonstrable
accomplished, inventive, and deft-fingered
accuracy, ease, and grace
acquire, classify, and arrange
action, incident, and interest
active, learned, and liberal
acts, activities, and aims
actual, stern, and pathetic
acuteness, honesty, and, fearlessness
addition, correction, and amplification
adventurous, eager, and afraid
affected, pedantic, and vain [pedantic = attention to detail or rules]
affluent, genial, and frank
aggressive, envious, and arrogant
agreeable, engaging, and delightful
air, woodland, and water
alarmed, anxious, and uneasy
alert, hopeful, and practical
amazement, resentment, and indignation
ambiguous, strange, and sinister
amiable, genial, and charitable
amusing, sympathetic, and interesting
ancient, subtle, and treacherous
annoyances, shifts, and inconveniences
anxious, fearful, and anticipative
appearance, conversation, and bearing
approbation, wealth, and power [approbation = warm approval; praise]
apt, explicit, and communicative
ardent, undisciplined, and undirected
arrogance, conceit, and disdain
artificial, rhetorical, and mundane
artistic, progressive, and popular
aspirations, dreams, and devotions
assured, stern, and judicial
astonishment, apprehension, and horror
attainments, possessions, and character
attention, forbearance, and patience
attract, interest, and persuade
augmenting, furthering, and reenforcing
austere, calm, and somber
authority, leadership, and command
avarice, pride, and revenge
awakened, girded, and active
awe, reverence, and adoration
awkwardness, narrowness, and self-consciousness
barbarous, shapeless, and irregular
beautiful, graceful, and accomplished
beggar, thief, and impostor
belittling, personal, and selfish
birth, rank, and fortune
bitter, baleful, and venomous
bland, patient, and methodical
blessing, bestowing, and welcoming
blind, partial, and prejudiced
blithe, innocent, and free
bluster, swagger, and might
body, soul, and mind
boisterous, undignified, and vulgar
bold, original, and ingenious
bombastic, incongruous, and unsymmetrical
bountiful, exuberant, and luxurious
brain, energy, and enterprise
brave, authoritative, and confident
breadth, richness, and freshness
breathless, confused, and exhilarated
brief, isolated, and fragmentary
brilliancy, energy, and zeal
broad, spare, and athletic
broken, apologetic, and confused
brotherhood, humanity, and chivalry
brusqueness, rudeness, and self-assertion
brutish, repulsive, and terrible
busy, active, and toiling
calculated, logical, and dispassionate
calm, earnest, and genial
candor, integrity, and straightforwardness
capricious, perverse, and prejudiced
careful, reasoned, and courteous
cautious, prudent, and decisive
caviling, petulance, and discontent [caviling = finding trivial objections]
censured, slighted, and despised
certain, swift, and final
chance, doubt, and mutability
character, life, and aims
charitable, just, and true
charm, grace, a